Dr C J Burgoyne |
Chris Burgoyne is Head of the Structures Group and a Reader in Concrete Structures. His interests are prestressed concrete, advanced composites, MRI imaging of concrete and structural properties of bone. He is a fellow of Emmanuel College.
Tel: 01223 332698
Email: cjbeng.cam.ac.uk |
Dr R Choudhary |
Ruchi Choudhary
Tel: 01223 332689
Email: rc488cam.ac.uk |
Dr F Cirak |
Fehmi Cirak is Lecturer in
Computational Mechanics, in the Structures Group.
Tel: 01223 332716
Email: |
Dr M J DeJong |
Matthew DeJong is Lecturer in
Structural Engineering, in the Structures Group.
Tel: 01223 330278
Email: mjd97eng.cam.ac.uk |
Dr S D Guest |
Simon Guest is Reader in Structural Mechanics, in the Structures Group. His research straddles the border between traditional structural mechanics, and the study of mechanisms. He is also a fellow of Trinity Hall. He is currently Chair of the Engineering Department's Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Teaching Committee.
Tel: 01223 332708
Email: sdgeng.cam.ac.uk |
Dr J M Lees |
Janet Lees is Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering, in the Structures Group. She is a fellow of St. John's College.
Tel: 01223 332678
Email: jmL2eng.cam.ac.uk |
Mr F A McRobie |
Allan McRobie is Lecturer in Soil Mechanics and Structures Division, in the Structures Group.
Tel: 01223 332761
Email: fameng.cam.ac.uk |
Dr C R Middleton |
Cam Middleton is Senior Lecturer, in the Structures Group. He is also a Fellow of King's College.
His main research interests are in bridge engineering, in particular the ultimate strength of concrete structures, yield line analysis, risk and safety, wireless sensor networks and NDT applied to bridges, computer vision applications in civil engineering and the management of bridges.
Tel: 01223 332814
Email: crm11eng.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Mauro Overend |
Mauro Overend is lecturer in Building Engineering Design in the Structures Group. His main research interests revolve around the structural use of glass and the structural and environmental performance of building envelopes. Mauro’s cross-disciplinary research draws upon a network of experts in relevant fields and is channelled through the Glass & Façade Technology Research Group that he co-ordinates.
Tel: 01223 332659
Email: mo318eng.cam.ac.uk |
Dr K A Seffen |
Keith Seffen is Senior Lecturer in Engineering in the Structures Group and
Fellow of Corpus Christi College, where he is Director of Studies in
Engineering. His research is mainly in reconfigurable, or ``morphing''
structures, where the aim is to develop shape-changing capabilities whilst
preserving structural integrity. His research also considers the structural
mechanics of certain plants for development of bio-fuels.
Tel: 01223 364137
Email: kas14cam.ac.uk |
Emeritus Prof C R Calladine |
Chris Calladine is Emeritus Professor of Structural Mechanics. He was on the teaching staff of the Department from 1960 until 2002.
He is an Emeritus Fellow of Peterhouse.
His main interests are
in buckling and vibration of thin-shell Structures, and in bistability, on a microscopic scale, in protein molecules and assemblies.
Tel: 01223 766206
Email: crceng.cam.ac.uk |
Emeritus Dr C T Morley |
Chris Morley
Tel: 01223 338469
Email: ctm1eng.cam.ac.uk |