CT-Ing. (ES)

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Landing Gear Doors

Inverse Deformation Method

The Main Landing Gear Door (MLGD) is a complex mechanism with the principal function of covering the landing gear during flight. This complex element is composed of: a hydraulic opening system, a gravitational opening system, and a hydraulic closing mechanism. Their objective is to guarantee that: door shape is equal to the theoretical aerodynamic shape in cruise flight, and that the minimum area opens while the landing gear is extended. CT-Ingenieros are designing  this opening mechanism by means of the Inverse Finite Element Method in static calculation with the aim of fulfilling the objectives described above.

Opening Mechanism

The weight of the hydraulic opening mechanism could be reduced by replacing the hinges with a compliant mechanism . The use of a bistable mechanism could permit the reduction of the actuation load needed and the energy required for the correct closing process. A potentially  interesting solution is to develop an opening mechanism containing compliant elements which opens under gravitational loading.


Click here to see a movie of a simulation of the Main Landing Gear Doors opening.

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Last modified, January 2006