
SYNCOMECS project ends 30th September 2007












Welcome to the SYNCOMECS project website. This is where you can find information relating to the project and the individual consortium members. Breakthroughs and milestones will be reported here, and examples of current work that is being undertaken by the various consortium members may also be found.

The objective of SYNCOMECS is to build an integrated software using inverse methods, for the design of aeronautical compliant mechanical systems from industrial specifications of functional requirements. The design of these innovative systems poses unique challenges and necessitates the support of advanced prediction software tools since they should have adequate flexibility to undergo desired deformations under the action of applied forces and adequate stiffness to withstand external loading. The focus is to generate the topology and dimensions of a compliant mechanical system starting from input/output force/displacement functional requirements and design constraints. This problem is a non-linear optimisation problem of a non-linear mechanical system that may involve one or several flexible components. In a general case, it involves Optimisation, Multi-Body Simulation and Non-linear Finite Element Analysis. The solution may be non-existent and, if it exists, not necessarily unique. The software, once developed, will be applied to aeronautical industrial problems.

SYNCOMECS will deliver a specialized methodology, which is compliant mechanisms synthesis (concurrent use of optimisation/AI techniques and mechanism/structure modelling techniques). SYNCOMECS will also deliver a new design tool, which supports the compliant mechanical systems design. This specialized methodology and design tool can be exploited in the future by the whole European industry and also by the European education system.

The project commenced in April 2005.




Website maintained by M. Santer (University of Cambridge)

Last modified, March 2007